Product Focus: Mail Order Vanos Rebuilds
Here at Hack Engineering, Vanos Rebuilds are where our business started, and so we can proudly say that we have an inside-out knowledge of BMW’s Vanos (variable camshaft timing) systems.
While we also keep ourselves busy with cars coming in for the Vanos rebuild process, it’s a lesser known fact that we also offer a Vanos rebuild process by mail order. Take our S54 Vanos rebuild processes for example, including the below –
- Beisan Systems BS021 Vanos Seals Repair Kit
- Beisan Systems BS022 Vanos Rattle Repair Kit
- Beisan Systems BS023 Rebuilt Vanos Solenoid Coil Pack
- Beisan Systems BS024 Vanos Sealing Plate Repair Kit
- Hack Engineering Machined Vanos Oil Pump Disc
- Updated Solenoid Unit Bolts
- New Vanos Microfilter
- All parts ultrasonically cleaned and perfectly assembled using specialist tooling
Fast turnarounds and great pricing are available, with trade pricing and parts support for Vanos removal/refit also available where applicable. Many models covered.
To enquire about our services, please contact us.